Hypnotherapy is a marvellous and wonderful tool for anyone that is studying for a test or an exam; no matter what their age is, it will enable you to improve your learning skills, memory improvement, memory recall, memory retention, confidence and their concentration.
It will help you to recall at will. You read the question on the test/exam paper and as long as you have done all your studying on that test or exam then you will see the answer to that question in the mind’s eye as if by magic.
Your brain is like a computer it will store all sorts of information hypnotherapy will enable you to be able to study and to retain all that you are studying in your brains memory banks just like a computer does. It is then locked away in your brains memory banks ready for when you need it.
The secret is in knowing how to unlock all that stored up information when you need it. Hypnotherapy is the key that will enable you to do just that.
I am Dyslexic and a friend of mine who is a hypnotist hypnotised me to help me with my studying for my Aromatherapy exams. After sitting my exam I thought that I had failed my exam but I got a 86% pass with a Credit.
I have used this method myself to study for the many exams that I have sat to gain my qualifications that I hold.
Please go and look at all the qualifications that I now have.
If you interested please telephone 01656 741679 for an appointment.